Head / Lab Director

Maria Papadakaki
Associate Professor
Head of Social Work Department
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: mpapadakaki@hmu.gr
Dr Maria Papadakaki (BSW, MPH) is a Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University. She obtained a first degree in Social Work, holds an MPH and a PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete. She has been the Director of the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS) since 2015 and served as the President of Gender Equality Committee of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, until 2024. At European level, she serves as the president of Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion section of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) since 2020, chairman of the European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (EuroSafe) since 2024 and an elected member of the Advisory Board of the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC) since 2021.
She has been teaching in six Master Degree Courses (MSc); three offered by the Hellenic Mediterranean University in “Social Work Interventions at Crisis Situations”, ““Interdisciplinary Management of Chronic Diseases, Disability and Aging” and “Advanced Clinical Practice in Health Sciences” and three Master Degree Courses offered by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete in “Public Health and Health Care Management”, “General Practice and Primary Health Care” and “Emergency and Intensive Care in Children Adolescents and Young Adults”. She has long teaching experience in continuing educational programmes targeting primary care providers and other health care professionals in Greece. She has received training in Participatory Learning and Action Research (PLA) by experts of the Centre for Participatory Strategies (CPS) of Galway, Ireland. She has been involved in the validation of tools for primary health care, she has designed and carried out training for primary care providers on issues of sexual health and aggressive behaviour and she has been systematically involved in health policy research regarding primary health care (see work indexed in PubMed).
Besides her research activity, she has served as a member of various local and national councils and committees (i.e.ministerial advisory groups, municipal advisory committees, regional government advisory committees, professional union councils, etc.). Among other positions, she has served as a member of the council of the Regional Council of Social Workers (SKLE) in Greece for many years. She has also served as a Member of the Ministerial Scientific Committee for the Greek Primary Care Reform organised by the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity (Ministerial Decree 1δ/71967/31-07-2013).
At European level, she is affiliated with various European networks active on GBV (“WONCA Sigfv / Special Interest Group on Family Violence”, “EFJCA / European Family Justice Centre Alliance”, “OVUN / University Network challenging sexual violence against children”). She is accustomed to working at an international level and has project management expertise due to her involvement in several research projects on an EU and national level (e.g. Horizon Grant No. 101147445 (ProtAct-Us), Erasmus+ (SAFETeen), FP6 project “HAPPY AUDIT” (SP5A-CT-2007-044154); FP7 project “RESTORE” (FP7-RESTORE-257258); FP7 project “OTC SOCIOMED” (FP7-OTC SOCIOMED-223654); Health Programme “Y-SAV” – Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC); (DG SANCO – Youth Sexual Violence – 2009 12 22); CHAFEA – EUropean Refugees-HUman Movement and Advisory Network “EUR-HUMAN”; “ORAMMA: Operational Refugee And Migrant Maternal Approach” ‘738148’ / European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020); ”LDV project (LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-008), DG MOVE programme “REHABIL-AID” (MOVE/C4/SUB/2011-294/SI2.628846/REHABIL-AID), DAPHNE III programme “COMMUN-AID” (JUST/2011-2012/DAP/AG/3272), “WOM-POWER” (JUST/2011-2012/DAP/AG/3008). She was nominated as the national representative in a COST action funded by the European commission (COST ACTION TU1101). She has co-authored a number of research papers in well-established peer-reviewed journals in Greece and abroad, primarily on primary health care, sexual health and intimate relationships and migrant health (see more in ISI/PubMed).

Professor of Statistics
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: gmark@hmu.gr
George Markakis is a Professor of Statistics at the Department of Social Work of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. He has been the Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics for several years. He is a graduate Mathematician of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Patras (1984). He received his PhD from the University of Patras in the subject Non-Conventional Analysis, Probabilities and Fuzzy Sets (1990).
In the period 1993-1998 he was a Lecturer and an Assistant Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Crete and he taught the course Biometrics at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level. Since 1998 he is a faculty member of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (former TEI of Crete). He has published several research papers in international peer-reviewed journals.
He has also participated as a coordinator or core partner in amore than 15 EU-funded research projects. His research interests are related to applications of Statistics in Health and Social Sciences.

Emeritus Professor
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: jchlia@hmu.gr
Dr Joannes Chliaoutakis is an Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social Work, Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) of Crete and scientific collaborator of the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety. He served as the Head of the Department of Social Work from 2004 till 2006 and since 2009 he has been the Head of the School of Health and Social Welfare, Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Since 2005 he is a member of the Executive Board of the Master Degree Programme “Environmental & Occupational Health-Management & Financial Assessment” organised by the Medical School, University of Athens. He has been involved in 19 local and national research programmes. He has been nominated as national delegate of Greece in the Management Committee of the project “COST 357 PROHELMET”, W.G1 – “Barriers & Motives from the use of Helmet by the young drivers” (2006-2009). He leads the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety participation in two projects: the COST 357, PROHELM, W.G1 – Field Study: Cognitive aspects of accidents and has led the Leonardo da Vinci Programme – “Towards safer road traffic in Turkey through continuous education and lifelong learning of driving instructors”. He has also led a number of other projects, such as the Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (O.P. “Education”), ARCHIMEDES I, “Lifestyle, risk related driving behaviour and car crashes”, which ended with the publication of the Final Report in 2007. Also, he was Director of the projects “Lifestyle, Risky Driving Behaviour and Accidents” (2004-2006) and “Lifestyle and Violence between cohabiting couples” (2005-2007). He has been responsible for the EU Network for the study of attitudes towards Condom Use (1994-1997) and a member of the EU Network for HIV/AIDS evaluation (1995-1997), the EU Network for the adolescence’s consummation (1995-1998) and the EU Network for the social work on the Border-crossing Prostitution and HIV Risk (1995-1998).
He has published more than 50 original papers in international and European peer-reviewed journals, articles based on joint projects, presentations published in the conference proceedings, and other. There are more than 400 citations on his published research articles in international and Greek journals. He is peer referee for 13 international academic journals. He has also been a member in several scientific organisations, such as the International Sociological Association (ISA) and the International Association of Applied Psychology – TTP. His research interests include domestic violence, sexual aggression and delinquency, road safety, health promotion.
Research Staff / Fellows

Sociologist, MSc, PhD
LaHeRS Scientific collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: g.tzamalouka@gmail.com
Dr Tzamalouka studied Sociology at Panteion Athens University (1987), holds a D.E.A in Social Psychology from Université Paul Valery – Montpellier ΙΙΙ, (1998, La représentation sociale de la Bisexualité (et de l’homosexualité) and a PhD from Panteion University of Athens (2002, Social representations of homosexuality in contemporary Greece).
She had been teaching for many years at undergraduate and postgraduate level, at the Technological Educational Institute of Crete and the National Kapodestrian University of Athens. She has been a member of the core research group of various European programs (Wom-Power, Commun-Aid, Rehabilaid). She has been nominated as a national delegate of Greece in the Management Committee of the project “COST 357 PROHELMET”, W.G1 – “Barriers & Motives from the use of Helmet by the young drivers” (2006-2009).
She is a Mental Health Consultant and a member of the European Psychotherapy Association. She has authored several books (e.g. “Searching for Male Identity: What is Homosexuality?”) and translated books into Greek (e.g.”Women and homosexuals: The false indifference” by the French writer Virginie Mouseler).
She has published many original papers in international and European peer-reviewed journals, articles based on joint projects, presentations published in the conference proceedings, and other. Her research interests include domestic violence, sexual aggression and delinquency, road safety, health promotion.

Psychologist, MSc, PhD Candidate
LaHeRS Scientific Collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: slioliou@hmu.gr
Ms. Stavroula Lioliou is a PhD candidate at the Department of Social Work of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. Holds a bachelor degree in Psychology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2008) and a Master’s Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology from the University of Leiden, The Netherlands (2013). He completed a specialization course in the Education of Persons with Disabilities from the University of Macedonia (2010), while he attended training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the Center for Applied Psychotherapy and Counseling in Chania (2014-2016). Since 2014, she has been collaborating with LaHeRS Lab at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, as a member in European programs (Wom-Power, Commun-Aid), in delivering undergraduate and postgraduate education and in promoting awareness raising programs in the community and school settings. Since the 2015-2016 she has been working in education as a special education staff, mainly in the assessment of children with special educational needs.

Social Worker, MSc, MSc, PhD
LaHeRS Scientific Collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: npedioti@hmu.gr
Dr Nektaria Pedioti is a graduate of the Department of Social Work of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete. She holds two postgraduate degrees in the subjects of Adult Education and Special Education. She holds a PhD from the Department of Social Work of the Hellenic Mediterranean University and is currently a member of the teaching staff. Since 2019, she is a member of the research team of LaHeRS. She has 20 years of experience as a social worker in different population groups and settings, as well as in education.

Psychologist, MSc, PhD candidate
LaHeRS Scientific Collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: vasokounali@gmail.com
Ms. Kounali Vasiliki is a PhD candidate in the Department of Social Work of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. She is a registered psychologist and psychotherapist for children, adolescents and adults. Mrs. Kounali completed her undergraduate studies at the Department of Psychology of the University of Crete in 2017 and holds a Master’s Degree in School/Educational Psychology from the University of Neapolis Paphos (2020). She has specialized in Systemic-Family Therapy and Play Therapy and continues to train in the above areas. In addition, she has specialized in Counseling of Abused Women and Victims of Domestic Violence (Disco, 2019), the Education of Persons with Disabilities and/or Special Educational Difficulties and in Braille writing from the University of Macedonia (2020). She is also a certified Adult Educator (EOPPEP certification).She has specialized in the diagnostic evaluation, management and treatment of cases of infants, children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from the Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Unit, First Pediatric Clinic, Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and in the administration and interpretation of the MMPI®-2 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire. She has worked at the Psychiatric Clinic of the General University Hospital of Crete (2017-2018), from 2018 to 2020 she worked in the Fostering and Adoption sector at the Directorate of Public Health and Social Care, Social Solidarity Department, of Heraklion Prefecture. Since 2018 she is a core member of LaHeRS Lab, as member of European programs, delivering undergraduate and postgraduate education and contributing to awareness raising programs in the community and school setting. In 2020-2021 she took over, as a responsible Psychologist in the Region of Crete, the program of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, which concerns the reduction of school dropout and the strengthening of education in Roma communities and from 2020 until today she has been working in education as a special educational staff. .

Συνεργάτιδα LaHeRS.
Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Εργασίας
Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο
Ε-mail: tsoukalaspyridoula@gmail.com
Spyridoula Tsoukala completed her undergraduate studies in Cultural Heritage Management and New Technologies at the University of Patras in 2019. She then obtained her Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing from the same university, graduating in 2024.
She has been an associate of the Department of Business Administration at the University of Patras. Her professional experience focuses on European project management.

Social Worker, MPH, PhD candidate
LaHeRS Scientific collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: kikivagionakis@gmail.com
Ms Kyriaki Vagionaki is a PhD candidate at the Department of Social Work of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. Holds a bachelor degree in Social Work from the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU, 2020). She holds a master’s degree in Public Health and Health Services Administration with specialization in in Public Health and Primary Health Care (School of Medicine University of Crete, 2022).
Since 2020, Kyriaki has been an active member and a research assistant at the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS). She has long professional experience in community awareness interventions for children and adolescents and many years of counseling for juvenile offenders. Kyriaki is active in safety research with emphasis on vulnerable populations incl. child abuse, youth aggression, partner violence, infodemic management, etc

Social Worker, MSc, PhD
LaHeRS Scientific Collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: anna_manidaki@hotmail.com
Anna Manidaki holds a PhD from School of Medicine of the University of Crete. She is a graduate of the Department of Social Work of T.E.I. of Crete and holder of a master’s degree in Public Health and Health Services Administration with specialization in Epidemiology (School of Medicine University of Crete). Dr. Manidaki has participated in programs of international and European public health bodies, and has many years of experience as a scientific and research associate at the Department of Social Medicine of the School of Medicine University of Crete. She has many years of voluntary work in various community organizations targeting vulnerable groups. She is an Accredited Practitioner Coach (IAPC&M), a member of the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M), and has been trained in the areas of personal development and empowerment coaching, health coaching, career and mentoring (University of Yale, Imperial College London, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aegean College, etc.). Since 2021 she belongs to the research group of the LaHeRS Lab, Hellenic Mediterranean University. Her scientific interests are focused on issues related to evidence-based coaching, health coaching, and life and employability skills.

Post-Doctoral Researcher
LaHeRS Scientific Collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: dimligri@gmail.com
Dr. Rigina Skeva is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Social Work, School of Health Science of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU). She is also a researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester, as a member of the Human-Computer Systems research group. Her research work focuses on the design and evaluation of Virtual Reality Therapies for the treatment of psychological conditions and the study of the cognitive responses of humans in their interactions with technological systems. She is an advocate of research that is actively shaped by people rather than simply targeting people. Thus, her research is based on mixed methods, involving a combination of qualitative and experimental studies and patient and public involvement and engagement approaches. She has worked in several healthcare-oriented projects, including co-operation with organisations such as Public Health England.

Lawyer, Senior legal expert
LaHeRS Scientific Collaborator
Department of Social Work
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Ε-mail: dimligri@gmail.com
Dimitra Lingri (LLB, LLM) is a lawyer at the Greek Council of the State, and senior legal expert for Hellenic National Organization of Healthcare Provision-EOPYY https://www.eopyy.gov.gr/., and certified DPO expert. Since 2010, she is responsible of implementation of health policies of the EU health law into national legal system [main fields: RWE, RWD & AI, GDPR, HTA (medical devices and pharmaceuticals) cross border healthcare, claw back and rebate mechanisms, pharma, and medical devices negotiation proceedings]. As a Legal expert of EOPYY, she has been at the national negotiation committee on hepatitis c and high-cost innovative medicines. She serves currently as a legal advisor for the Greek national HTA Committee https://www.moh.gov.gr/articles/times-farmakwn/epitroph-aksiologhshs-kai-apozhmiwshs-farmakwn/ and the Committee for Approval of High Drugs She is the Managing Director of EHFCN (European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network)https://www.ehfcn.org/who-we-are/ehfcn-team/, which regroups Payers and Healthcare Organisations in combatting fraud, corruption, and waste https://www.ehfcn.org/members/, aiming to promote the quality of healthcare services and she is also co-chairing the AI Working Group of EHFCN https://www.ehfcn.org/working-group-artificial-intelligence/. She has been personally appointed as a legal expert in the medical devices task forces of EunetHTA https://www.eunethta.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/EUnetHTA_Workshop3_Documentation.pdf, she is an appointed national expert in the EU HTA Coordination Group for Medical Devices https://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-12/hta_htacg_md_members_en.pdf and she is an independent expert in STAG MEDEV Advisory Group (AG) of World Health Organisation (WHO) https://www.who.int/groups/strategic-and-technical-advisory-group-of-experts-on-medical-devices-(stag-medev), where she co-chairs the MEDEV Definitions WG, the MEDEV HTA WG and the Pricing and Healthcare financing of STAG MEDEV WHO. She is also a member of Regulations WG and Medical Devices in Digital Health WG of STAG MEDEV AG of WHO. She has been a member of the Fair Pricing Working Group of WHO https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/348288/WHO-MHP-HPS-MIA-2021.02-eng.pdf. ”. As a legal expert in personal data protection, she has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Board of the EU funded project EUVABECO. She believes that her key achievement is the successful implementation of international policies in the national legal system (GDPR, AI, cross border legislation, pharma negotiation proceedings, public auditing and payment proceedings, electronic public payment proceedings etc). She speaks English, French, Spanish and Greek and she is studying Russian..