Combatting youth sexual aggression and victimisation in the European Union

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This report is one of the outputs of aEuropean project on youth sexual aggression and victimization (the Y-SAV Project),
implemented in the period July 2010 – December 2013. The objective of the project was to promote sexual health among
young people across Europe by strengthening the knowledge base on youth sexual aggression and victimization and by multi-disciplinary and multi-country dialogue, cooperation and mobilisation to action. Country reports were developed describing the actual situation or ‘state of the art’ regarding studies on prevalence, incidence and risk factors of sexual aggression as well as legal and public health responses, covering all 27 EU member states at the time. In addition, a standard set of indicators has been developed to guide future research and coherent and comparable data collection on the actual scale of youth sexual aggression and victimization in different countries and across Europe.