A strong representation of @LaHeRS Lab @HMU this year during the annual conference of the European Forum for Primary Health Care (#EFPC), which took place in Barcelona between 17-19 September 2023. The theme of this year’s conference was “International Humanitarian Crises: What is the Role of Primary Care for International Social Cohesion?” “International cohesion and the role of Primary Care in times of #crisis” and reflects the enormous social challenges of this time caused by wars inside and outside Europe, climate change and natural disasters, as a result of which many people are forced to leave their homes them and face increasing poverty. The conference offered a valuable opportunity to showcase research carried out at LaHeRS, share insights, and network with peers in the field of primary health care. Our four colleagues presented innovative interventions for children and families delivered across Crete region as well as research on the infodemic management among the elderly, a collaborative project co-supervised by Prof. @ChristosLionis and Dr. @ElenaPetelos. Our colleagues also participated in the interdisciplinary research network PRIMORE and in other activities with an emphasis on #PHC. Many thanks to the organizers @DiederikAarendonk and @MariavandenMuijsenbergh and the whole @EFPC team for the warm hospitality.