The ORAMMA 1st progress meeting took place in Athens, on 7/09 and on 08/09/2017 and it was hosted by Midwifery School of Athens, the Coordinator of the project. The meeting was attended by representatives of all partners and by Eugenia George, Professor and Chair of the department of Anthropology of RICE University and member of the advisory board. On behalf of the ELENA Maternity Hospital Ms. Maria Manoura, Head of the Nursing Service of ELENA Maternity Hospital and Ms. Athanasia Kavoura, Vice Manager of ELENA Maternity Hospital welcomed the ORAMMA team and wished to continue the elaboration on this project.
In this meeting, the ORAMMA team had the chance to focus on the finalization of the details of WP4 and to set the discussion for the training work package and the pilot implementation. Also, partners assessed the progress of the project and discussed key issues for the interim project report. Remedial actions also were discussed and agreed in case of any divergence from the original plan.
The next meeting of the ORAMMA project will take place in Nijmegen, Netherlands on December 2017.