Trauma during pregnancy: Presentation at the 7th European Conference on Midwifery Education

Injury and trauma as the main non-obstetric cause of maternal death and serious complications during pregnancy was the subject of a presentation by Dr. Maria Papadakaki, Associate Professor at the Hellenic Mediterranean University and President of the Injury Prevention Section of the European Public Health Association , in the context of the 7th European Midwifery Education Conference, between October 26-29 in Vravrona, Athens. Dr Papadakaki presented the latest European data, referred to the high frequency of falls, traffic injuries and those due to interpersonal violence and pointed out the underestimation of the phenomenon in European and international statistics. Dr. Papadakaki underlined the need for increased vigilance at the pre-hospital level, better hospital organization in trauma management as well as the importance of adopting improved standards of detection, evaluation and reporting of injuries in order to achieve better clinical management and improved outcomes and health indicators for the mother and fetus. Many thanks to the President Dr. Vivilaki and the Council of the EMA for the invitation and hospitality to this important scientific event for Europe.