WEBINAR on the perinatal health of refugees and the role of social care providers

Presenter: Dr. Maria Papadakaki, Assistant Professor of Social Work, School of Health and Social welfare, TEI of CRETE
Time: Friday 27.07.2018 (13.30 – 15.00 GR time)
Language: English
Abstract: The ORAMMA project invites you to our 3rd webinar, where we will hear updates on the latest progress of the project, and will be joined by Dr Maria Papadakaki of Technological Educational Institute of Crete to understand more about the role of social care providers in the ORAMMA model and in Greece specifically, and hear more about the role of TEI Crete in delivering the ORAMMA project.
Free Registration to attend by distance at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1689518754062823170