The e-mentoring platform (https://mentoring.sw.hmu.gr/), which was developed by LaHeRS Lab, HMU and the Region of Crete with funds from FAED program, was presented at the Municipality of Viannos, Crete on September 6, 2023.
The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Viannos Mr. Stavrakakis Minas and officials of the Municipality’s services. During the meeting, there was an update on the benefits that the Municipality can obtain from the platform, focusing on the integration of those interested in the labor market, the strengthening of individual skills and the appropriate professional guidance. In the context of the discussion, the great needs that exist in the primary sector, which is also the main economic activity of the residents, were highlighted, mainly olive cultivation, horticulture, greenhouse crops, beekeeping and animal husbandry. Among other things, the needs of the secondary sector were discussed, with an emphasis on the small livestock processing and standardization facilities of agro-livestock products active in the area of Viannos Municipality. It was emphasized that the migration of young people is inevitable due to the inability of the local economy to offer them employment opportunities resulting in the exploitation of immigrants to meet local labor needs. HMU’s career guidance and job-inquiry platform was considered by those present as an important tool to support the farmer and facilitate his safe, targeted and fast finding of personnel. The Mayor also did not forget to underline the need to disseminate information and continuously inform citizens about these issues and deemed it appropriate to repeat a similar meeting in the near future in other areas of the Municipality