Anna Manidaki graduated from the Department of Social Work, School of Health and Welfare of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete and completed her internship in the Department of Social Service of University Hospital of Iraklion, Crete. She holds a master’s degree in Public Health and Healthcare Management specialized in Epidemiology, and a PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete (UoC).
Dr. Manidaki has participated in various projects of international and european organizations in the field of public health and has extensive experience as a scientific associate and a research associate at the Department of Social Work of the Technological Educational Institute Crete, and the Department of Social Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete.
She is an Accredited Practitioner Coach (IAPC&M), a member of the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M), and holds several certificated of distant learning courses (related to Coaching, Health Coaching, Life Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Career Coaching, Soft Skills, Employability Skills) from the Universities of Yale, Imperial College London, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aegean College of Greece, etc.
Since May 2021 she is a research associate at the Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS) of the Department of Social Work at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece (HMU). Her research interests are currently focused on the fields of evidence-based coaching, health coaching and employability and life skills development, with a special focus on vulnerable populations and youth.